The Written Word

I heard this Nick Cave quote in the middle of a radio interview about him and noted it down. Writing, and brush lettering for that matter, help to calm my mind so I lettered it to remind myself. When I looked further into to, the quote was part of a reply that Nick wrote in response to a letter from a 16 year old girl asking for advice about seeing herself more positively. You can read the whole piece here if you’d like to.

“Finally, you asked what you could do, how to behave. Please, take care of yourself. Seek out beautiful things, inspirations, connections and validating friends. Perhaps you could keep a journal and write stuff down. The written word can put to rest many imagined demons. Identify things that concern you in the world and make incremental efforts to remedy them. At all costs, try to cultivate a sense of humour. See things through that courageous heart of yours. Be merciful to yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be kind.”


One Word


We Reshape Gently